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5 Newsletter Factors to Consider


Newsletters are an effective tool for growing your law firm by keeping you top of mind with potential clients and referral sources. By sharing valuable information and demonstrating your expertise in the legal field, you can attract new business and increase your success. Let’s explore the five things you need to consider and how to make the most of newsletter email marketing for your firm.

In this video, we’ll go over the five critical factors to consider before diving in first.

  1. Building your database
  2. Establishing the platform for distribution
  3. Knowing your audience
  4. Planning your content
  5. Determining the frequency

Building Your Database

The first thing to consider is your database and how to build it. To build a successful email marketing database, encourage sign-ups through your website and social media, add contacts from networking events and past consultations, and ensure that you have permission to add contacts while complying with data protection regulations. Personalisation, segmentation, opt-in consent, easy unsubscribe options, and valid email addresses are other key ingredients to consider.

Choosing a Platform for Newsletter Email Marketing

Once you have a solid database, it’s time to choose a platform for distributing your newsletter. There are various email marketing platforms available, such as Mailchimp, Klaviyo, and ActiveCampaign. Each platform has its pros and cons, so research the features, pricing, and ease of use to determine which one best suits your needs.

Some factors to consider when choosing a platform include:

  • Integration with your website, CRM, and social media platforms
  • Automation features for sending out newsletters at regular intervals
  • Reporting tools to Analyze the success of your campaigns

Understanding Your Audience

The third factor to take into account when creating a newsletter is your audience. Who are you creating this newsletter for? Is it for current clients, potential clients, or referral sources? Understanding your audience will help you craft content that is relevant and valuable to them. Consider their interests, pain points, and the type of information they would find valuable. This will help you create a newsletter that resonates with your audience and builds trust with them.

Planning Your Content

Moving on to the fourth point is your content. What kind of content will you include in your newsletter? Will it be educational or promotional? Will you include news updates or case studies?

Make sure your content aligns with your audience and provides them with value. Remember that your newsletter is a tool to establish your expertise and credibility, not just to promote your services. By providing valuable content, you will position yourself as a thought leader in your field and increase the chances of your readers reaching out to you for legal services.

Be Consistent with Newsletter Email Marketing 

The fifth and final thing to consider is your newsletter frequency. How often will you send your newsletter? Will it be monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly? Be consistent with your frequency so your audience knows when to expect your content.

Consider your bandwidth and resources when deciding on the frequency of your newsletter. By being consistent, you will build a loyal readership and increase the chances of your newsletter being read and shared.

In summary, newsletter email marketing is a great way to stay top of mind with potential clients and referral sources. However, it’s important to consider your database, distribution platform, audience, content, and frequency before starting. By keeping these five things in mind, you can create a newsletter that provides value and helps you establish your expertise and credibility in your field.

This video was brought to you by Lift Legal Marketing.


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